New Website Design

A new login screen is just the beginning. The D&H Medical Supply website has a new design for ordering products. Just login using your current user name and password, and you will find a new layout with more information on products, pricing, shipments, and invoices. There are more categories to search along with new products and special offerings. Take your time and go through all the new features. Use the Quick Order Form button to select products you have ordered in the past. Please give us your feedback on the new website design. Just give us a call if you have any questions about the new system.
Explore All the Products from D&H Medical Supply

D&H Medical Supply carries more products than you think. We encourage you to spend a little time browsing our Categories tab on the front page of the website. You will find how vast the product line is available for physicians and veterinarians. Hundreds of items that you use everyday in your medical practice are available at great prices, and you can order them from D&H Medical Supply. Some examples are – Syringes and Needles of all sizes, RX products, Vaccines, Lab Equipment, PPE, Gloves, Sharps Containers, Table Paper, Glucose Strips, and more! If you can’t find something that you need from our website, just call our office, and LET US KNOW. Not all of our products are listed on the website, and we can special order products at competitive pricing.
Tips for Searching the Website for Products

Here are some tips on searching the website for products. Use Quick Order Form to quickly order products you have previously ordered. How to use the “Quick Order Form” After you log in, click on your name on the top right of the screen. You will get a dropdown, where you can select “Quick Order.” Once you get in the Quick Order area, you will see all the products that you have ordered before, and you can quickly order them again. You can also sort this list by any of the columns. Use “Categories” to find new products How to use Categories Categories can be used to find products that you did not know D&H Medical Supply has available. If you click on Disposables & Janitorial, you will get page after page of products that we carry. Use the “Search” area for finding specific products How to use the Search feature: When using the search feature, you should use simple terms like “bandage” instead of trying to put in specific sizes or features. Then scroll through some of the bandages and find items that are like the ones you are looking for. For example, you might find the word “ACE” on the name for bandages. Then you can do a search for “Bandage ACE” and you will get a much narrower group to search. Once you find the item you want and order a product, that item will then be added to your Quick Order form for finding in the future. Use the Quick Order Form when possible, and use the Category search to discover new products. Let us know if you have any questions or issues with searching for products on our website. We welcome your input!