Global Handwashing Day

The purpose of Global Handwashing Day serves as a reminder that handwashing with soap and water is one of the best steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. To further this goal, the theme for 2021 is, “Our Future is at Hand – Let’s Move Forward Together.” Handwashing Education can: Reduce the number of people who get sick with diarrhea by 23-40%, Reduce absenteeism due to gastrointestinal illness in school children by 29-57%, Reduce diarrheal illness in people with weakened immune systems by about 58%, and Reduce respiratory illnesses, like colds, in the general population by about 16-21% Mark your calendar yearly, and tell your colleagues about the Global Handwashing Day. More information on this can be found on the CDC website, as well as the website for the Global Handwashing Partnership. So WASH YOUR HANDS!
Key Things to Know About COVID Vaccines

The CDC is a great source for information on COVID vaccines. Here is some of their information: Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping you from getting COVID-19. Experts also think that getting a COVID-19 vaccine may help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19. But while COVID-19 vaccines can keep you from getting sick, scientists are still learning how well vaccines prevent you from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to others. So even after vaccination, we need to continue using all the tools available to help stop this pandemic as we learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work in real-world conditions. Although the vaccine supply is currently limited, the federal government is working toward making vaccines widely available. There are steps you can take to protect yourself until you can get vaccinated. Even after you get vaccinated it’s important to continue using all the tools available to help stop this pandemic as we learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work in real-world conditions.
Protect Your Home from COVID

New guidelines from the CDC on how to protect your home from COVID have been published. Please view the article here. We have to be safe at home in order to continue serving the public! D&H Medical Supply salutes our front line workers for all that they do. Please be safe at home and at work.
Explore All the Products from D&H Medical Supply

D&H Medical Supply carries more products than you think. We encourage you to spend a little time browsing our Categories tab on the front page of the website. You will find how vast the product line is available for physicians and veterinarians. Hundreds of items that you use everyday in your medical practice are available at great prices, and you can order them from D&H Medical Supply. Some examples are – Syringes and Needles of all sizes, RX products, Vaccines, Lab Equipment, PPE, Gloves, Sharps Containers, Table Paper, Glucose Strips, and more! If you can’t find something that you need from our website, just call our office, and LET US KNOW. Not all of our products are listed on the website, and we can special order products at competitive pricing.
CDC Information for Healthcare Professionals

The CDC website offers Information for Healthcare Professionals. Please view the information here. Below is a short list of information that can be found at this website: Care for Patients Protecting Patients and Workers Facility Guidance A Clinician On-Call Center A COVID-19 Surge Tool PPE Burn Rate Calculator D&H Medical Supply recommends that you check the CDC website as well as other professional resources for the latest on the COVID-19 pandemic. Information changes often, so please check the website for the most up-to-date information. Disclamer: The use of material including links to materials on the CDC, ATSDR, or HHS websites does not imply endorsement by the CDC, ATSDR, HHS, or the United States Government of S&T Medical Resources in any way. All material available is free of charge on the CDC website.
Tips for Searching the Website for Products

Here are some tips on searching the website for products. Use Quick Order Form to quickly order products you have previously ordered. How to use the “Quick Order Form” After you log in, click on your name on the top right of the screen. You will get a dropdown, where you can select “Quick Order.” Once you get in the Quick Order area, you will see all the products that you have ordered before, and you can quickly order them again. You can also sort this list by any of the columns. Use “Categories” to find new products How to use Categories Categories can be used to find products that you did not know D&H Medical Supply has available. If you click on Disposables & Janitorial, you will get page after page of products that we carry. Use the “Search” area for finding specific products How to use the Search feature: When using the search feature, you should use simple terms like “bandage” instead of trying to put in specific sizes or features. Then scroll through some of the bandages and find items that are like the ones you are looking for. For example, you might find the word “ACE” on the name for bandages. Then you can do a search for “Bandage ACE” and you will get a much narrower group to search. Once you find the item you want and order a product, that item will then be added to your Quick Order form for finding in the future. Use the Quick Order Form when possible, and use the Category search to discover new products. Let us know if you have any questions or issues with searching for products on our website. We welcome your input!
Stay Safe

Stay Safe! The workers in the medical industry are true heros, and we want to make sure that you stay safe. The CDC and FDA websites are constantly being updated with the latest information on staying safe in the medical industry, and D&H Medical Supply encourages you to reference them as much as you can. The long hours, seeing patients over the internet, and taking extra precautions to stay safe will pay off in the end. We are proud to help truly exceptional people like you! Medical Supplies are in high demand and inventories change constantly. High demand items may take some time before they are in stock. We encourage you to contact us often to check the status of products. Our website can help you find products that can ship quickly. If the price of an item is in Black, then the item is in stock. If the price of an item is in Red, it is currently out of stock. You can order out of stock items online and they will ship to you as soon as they become available. Some high demand items can take a long time, but we will do our best to get them to you! If you want the most up to date information on availability, you should call us because our inventory changes constantly.